Sunday, July 11, 2010

Books in the Home

We have been talking about early literacy and what parents can do to support this development both before and after birth. I recently read a column by David Brooks. He spoke about school age children who were given 12 new books of their own choosing when school let out for the summer. The children who received the books had significantly higher reading scores than the other children. Just having those 12 books gave as much of a positive effect as attending summer school.

Children who grow up with books in their home stay in school longer and do better educationally. However Brooks cites an interesting observation from a philanthropist who gives books to disadvantaged kids. It is not the physical presence of the books that is responsible for the huge impact. It is the way the students see themselves as they build a home library. They see themselves as readers, members of a group—members of a group of readers.

New babies in your family? Trying to decide on a gift for a baby shower? Want to give a gift that lasts a lifetime? Wondering what to give a two year old? –a three year old?—a four year old and beyond. Here are your top 3 gift choices.


Another Book

More Books

If you have missed some of the articles in the paper or if you wish to review articles up to this point, you can check out the blog: and please send the blog to the parents of the little ones that you love!

Toad House Publishing

Twinkletime Rhymes to Print

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