Whether you are a parent, a teacher, or a grandparent, you are now thinking about what your special little ones would like for Christmas. Those of you who have been following Bringing Up Baby for a few years know of my interest in supporting literacy growth in young children. You know that I support books as gifts for children.
Last week I shopped for Christmas gifts for my little grandsons--books of course! In a large bookstore, I was overwhelmed by the choices and wondered if readers here in our community could help me out by sending me a short paragraph describing preschoolers’ favorite books.
Here is what I would like you to do. If you are a parent, teacher, child-care provider, or grandparent please write a preschool book review and bring it to the news office. This should include the title of the book, the author, your name, and your preschooler’s first name. Tell me in a few sentences what your preschooler seems to love about the book—what tickles the funny bone or catches the eye. Please give me permission to use your name and portions of your ‘book review’ in the next few columns before Christmas.
The news office will have a musical wooden toad and the Toad Song for you as a Christmas stocking stuffer. But please don’t wait! I will need all book reviews before Friday, December 10th. Thank-you for helping choose books for children.
ABC, See my teacher
1,2,3 Teaching me
Reading stories,
Painting pictures,
Eating healthy,
Making Friends
ABC, See my teacher
1,2,3 Teaching me
Rock gently from side to side. Pantomime or use sign language for the letters A,B, and C. and 1, 2, and 3.
This is an original song from my teaching career. The picture was created by my friend, Steven Baye. You can learn this song on the twinkletime.org website.