All parents have different parenting styles based in part to
what they learned from their parents, in part to what they want for their
children, and in part to circumstances in their lives. Some parents consciously
attempt to choose a style that is counter to their own childhood experience.
Some parents consciously research and work at adopting a style that they
believe will be best. Many of our split-second decisions are unconscious.
Parenting styles can be seen as a continuum from
authoritarian (a parents-know-best approach that emphasizes obedience) to
permissive (where parents provide few behavioral guidelines because parents
don’t want to upset their children). Somewhere in the middle, I think is an
authoritative style that blends a caring tone with structure and consistent
limit setting.
Ideally both parents have an authoritative style (blending a
caring tone with consistent limit-setting) because that is what fosters
healthiest relationships. For those of you who would like to know more about
this topic, you might start with the website:
For those who value arts education for your child, check out
the Toadally Artsy Kids’ Events. This Saturday Andrea Korpinen will be exploring
window art for children ages 3-12 at Toad House. Children will arrange natural
materials into mosaic art to take home and hang in their window. You may
register for any of the Saturday Artsy Kids’ Events. Pick up a flyer for the
activities in August and September in the box at the porch door of Toad House.
My red balloon goes
sailing, sailing, sailing.
My red balloon goes sailing
Over the hills and down and pop.
Pretend to blow a balloon. Reach both arms
overhead to indicate a large balloon, sway from side to side as you sing. Give
a big clap to pop the balloon.
Choose additional colors to expand the child’s concept development and
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